Monthly Archives: May 2007

Blog Book Tour Interview With Author Teresa Slack

Molly — My name is Molly Noble Bull. I’m a Christian author, and my web address is My blog address is

My long historical, The Winter Pearl, was published by Steeple Hill in mass market paperback in February 2007, and my upcoming long historical, Sanctuary, will be published by Tsaba House on September 15, 2007 in trade paperback. 

Christian author Teresa Slack is visiting us here today and also at my blog at Shout life to talk about her life, her writing and her Christian walk.

Welcome Teresa. We are so glad to have you here. I believe your new novel is titled Evidence of Grace. Later, you can also click to visit Teresa’s blogsites to see photos of all her books. Here’s one of those addresses. 

But for now, let’s get started. 

Teresa, tell us a little about yourself and your family. Where were you born, where do you live now? Take it away, Teresa. 

Teresa — I live in southern Ohio with my husband Ralph and two rescue dogs. Our blended family includes three kids and three grandkids. Our grandkids live close and we spend a lot of time with them. I’ve lived my whole life within fifty miles of where I was born. 

Molly — Your new novel, Evidence of Grace, is a part of the Jenna’s Creek series. Where is Jenna Creek and how did it get that name? 

Teresa — Years and years ago when I was just playing around with ideas for a book, I passed a road sign near Manchester, Ohio that read Isaac’s Creek. I thought that was a great name for a town but I didn’t like Isaac. I changed it to Jenna, and Jenna’s Creek, Ohio came into being. The actual town of Jenna’s Creek is based on my experiences growing up in Hillsboro, and Peebles, Ohio where my grandparents lived. My desire is that readers will recognize their own hometown as they read about Jenna’s Creek.  

Molly — In the series of novels I am currently working on, several generations of one family connect the novels. Explain how the Jenna’s Creek novels connect or fit together. 

Teresa — Many of the characters in the Jenna’s Creek series are related, just as many residents in a small town are related in one way or the other. Mostly though, the stories are related because of Jenna’s Creek. Small towns make the perfect backdrop for books. What better place to find mystery and intrigue? If you think nothing ever happens in a small town, you’re just not paying attention.

Molly — Please tell us a little about each of the previous books in this series.

Teresa — Book 1, Streams of Mercy begins when Jamie Steele discovers her father was once the prime suspect in the disappearance of an old girlfriend. It’s now 25 years later and Jamie has to find out if he killed the missing woman like everyone in Jenna’s Creek believes.

Molly — Noel Wyatt is a character in Evidence of Grace. Tell us about Noel. Is he a continuing character in this series? Or was he introduced for the first time in your newest novel, Evidence of Grace? 

Teresa — Noel is one of my favorite characters, and he was also one of the first characters created in the early days when I was just playing around with ideas. He came into being because of a line in an old country music song. “I’m in love with a pretty little girl who wears a diamond ring.” To get Noel’s entire story you have to read book 1. But even if you only pick up Book 3, you’ll quickly figure out the mistakes he made in his youth that shaped him into the man he is today. I love Noel and he will pay a key role in each Jenna’s Creek book.

Molly — Evidence of Grace sounds like a mystery. Tell us as much as you can about the plot. 

Teresa — Evidence surfaces that the wrong person is in prison for the murder of Sally Blake. Why would someone plead guilty to a crime they didn’t commit? And is there more to the story than even they know? New evidence and old secrets threaten to destroy the life of the only man who can set the record straight.

Molly — Sounds interesting. Can we expect a little romance here? Or is this merely a mystery novel?   

Teresa — I strive to incorporate a little romance, a little mystery, and a little humor into everything I write. Jarrod Bruckner is a young attorney who is assigned the task of getting the truth out of the person sitting in prison for the murder of Sally Blake. He has his work cut out for him. Jarrod makes his debut appearance in Evidence of Grace, but look for him to play a major role in Book 4 of the series.

Molly — A lot of unpublished writers are looking for book publishers. Tell our visitors about your publisher, Tsaba House, and the kinds of books they buy. 

Teresa — Tsaba House is a great house to write for. They do not put restrictions on their authors concerning what genres we are free to write in. It is also a small house, which generally means the author has more input in the direction their writing will take. It might not work for everyone, but I like the idea of being a big fish in a small pond.

Molly — Is Tsaba House open to new writers? Must they have an agent? Tell us a little about their writer guidelines.  

Teresa — Yes, they are always seeking new writers. They love the idea of finding the next great talent. It’s my understanding they only accept mss in January, but new writers can check out the guidelines at Most importantly, just as with any publishing house, send in your best work. Polish, study the market, and do your homework. You don’t need an agent, just an outstanding manuscript.

Molly — Tell us about your future novels including those that are not a part of this series. 

Teresa — I just finished a suspense novel, written in the same vein as Mary Higgins Clark. The body count is higher in this book than anything else I’ve written, but writing it was a lot of fun. I’m so excited about it and can’t wait for feedback from Tsaba House. I am also working on a short romance novel and of course, Book 4 in the Jenna’s Creek series.

Molly — I wouldn’t be me without asking about your Christian walk. Tell us about your relationship with the Lord — or as much as you feel comfortable telling.  

Teresa — I’ve attended church most of my life and was baptized when I was sixteen. In my young adulthood, I fell away from the Lord but rededicated my life in the early 1990’s. All my life I wanted to write, but struggled with what to write that would please my heavenly Father and not offend my own sensibilities. Along came Christian fiction. Now writers are free to write the stories on their heart and share their faith at the same time. Inspirational fiction is the fastest growing segment in the publishing industry. I think that says a lot about the message of hope readers are looking for. It seems that even Hollywood has noticed the trend. I say it’s about time.

Molly — Thanks, Teresa, for making my blog the first stop on your blog tour. Where will you be going next?   

Teresa — My writing friends have been great about hosting me on their blogs. Organizing this tour has been lots of fun. I recommend it to any writer who wants to promote a new book. I hope everyone follows the tour until the end on June 14th. I will be visiting my friend Karen Phillips tomorrow and Miralee Ferrell on the 16th. For the complete blog schedule, visit my website at

Molly – Before you go, I want to include your other blog site to our list of sites. 

And thanks again for stopping by, Teresa. You’re welcome any time, and you’ve given us all a lot to think about.

And everybody, come back soon. I’ll leave the light on for ya.  

www.shoutlife,com/mollynoblebull  And   


Filed under On Writing

Ever Heard of a Blog Book Tour?

If not, don’t feel lonely. Until about three weeks ago, I hadn’t either.

But one day Teresa Slack, a fellow published author that I know, invited me to take part in a blog tour to promote her upcoming Christian novel, Evidence of Grace. I promised to do it if she would walk me through it in baby steps.

Caution:  Skipping or running through a blog tour could cause you to stumble, fall or rub blisters on your heels and miss seeing interesting stuff. But if baby steps slow you down too much, try ambling, strolling or simply taking plenty of rest stops along the way.  You could even carry along a lunch and snack along the way. 

My name is Molly Noble Bull, and Teresa’s blog tour begins at my blog site on May 14th,  

On May 14th, I will be interviewing Teresa, and we will be discussing her newest book, Evidence of Grace. During the interview, she will tell us where she plans to go on the next leg of her book tour and give us the blog and/or web addresses of all those taking part in the tour. 

As we follow Teresa from blog to blog, we will visit the web sites of other published authors as well as book reviewers, and at each stop, someone will interview Teresa. If you see an author or a book that interests you at any of these locations, stop and browse a while before moving on. There’s really no hurry. So look around. Take all the time you want. 

And while you’re at my blog site at Shout life, check out my books as well. The Winter Pearl, my long Steeple Hill historical, can be ordered either in the trade or mass market paperback versions from Barnes and Noble, Borders, Parable, Christian, Christian Book, Amazon and book stores everywhere. The Winter Pearl can also be ordered from my website. 

By the way, Tsaba House will publish Sanctuary, my upcoming long historical novel about the Huguenots, in trade paperback in September 2007.

News Flash: Sanctuary can be preordered from Amazon right now.

At Amazon, just write Molly Noble Bull in the search slot and click. When you do, you’ll see all my books listed, including Sanctuary. 

So, now that you know what a blog book tour is, you have no excuse for not stopping by. We’ll leave a light on for ya.  




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Filed under On Writing

Organizing a Blog Tour

evidence-of-grace-small.jpgWith gas prices sitting at well over three dollars a gallon nationwide and no relief in sight since summer’s coming and the oil companies have us by the throat, we writers have to do whatever we can to promote our books. What better way than a blog tour from the comfort of our homes.

June 1st will see the release of my new book, Evidence of Grace, the third installment of my Jenna’s Creek Series. Monday, May 14th marks the beginning of a month long blog tour. I highly recommend blog tours for any writer wanting to attract attention for an upcoming release or event. I know, you may argue that no one really reads blogs and how lucrative can a blog tour be? Well, if you’ve ever embarked on a book tour into actual brick and mortar bookstores, you probably know these don’t have much of an impact on book sales either.

The last one I had in Cincinnati, Ohio was as dismal an affair as you can imagine. People are not impressed with meeting an author in a bookstore anymore. Unless you are a celebrity. After I got home from my signing where no one came into the store to see me and I didn’t sell a single book, I read in the newspaper that James Belushi was doing a book signing in a nearby store and Tom Brokaw was in another. I totally agree with you that neither Jim Belushi or Tom Brokaw are authors and probably didn’t write a word in their books, but they are celebrities and I’m not. I was also heartened to learn that even higher list authors from the big New York City publishing houses have little more luck than me at book signings.

I’m not saying I’m through wasting my time with bookstore signings; it’s a necessary evil in this business. But why not try something much easier, cheaper, and easier on my ego? I notified a few writer friends, posted a plea for participants on a few writing sites I belong to and organized a blog tour. It may not garner a flood of sales. But my name might end up in a few places where it had been before.

According to my publisher, my lackluster attention to my blogs has already had a positive affect on sales. A blog tour can only improve that. The best part is, I don’t have to put gas in my car. I don’t even have to get dressed if I don’t want to. Don’t worry, I will.

Look for me next Monday at the kick-off of my tour when I will be the guest of Molly Noble Bull on her blog. I am looking forward to the whole process. I can’t wait to meet you there.

Have a blessed and prosperous Monday.

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