Monthly Archives: March 2008

Update: Molly Noble Bull

Sanctuary by Molly Noble Bull is one of six finalists in the Gayle Wilson Awards of Excellence contest for published authors in the Inspiration category. Winners will be announced in April 2008. Tsaba House published Sanctuary, a long historical, in trade paperback in September 2007, and it is about the Huguenots and forgiving the unforgivable.  

“Scenes, Sequels and Scenes Without Dialogue,” an article by Molly Noble Bull, has just been posted at Writers Rest This article and others in the series were designed for new fiction writers or for those who want a refresher course, and they will be posted to the Writers Rest blog site every Wednesday. 

For those who missed the earlier lessons, the earlier lessons in this series can be found at Writers Walk, Molly’s new blog. Here is the address. 

Teresa Slack interviewed Molly at her blog, and they discussed many of the topics mentioned in the lessons. Here is Teresa’s blog address.

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